FREE 2-Day Golf Fitness Training Routine
This training routine is designed to expose you to all essential areas that is “Golf Fitness”: power development, general strength training, and improved range of motion in golf’s “Big 3” areas.
Power Development: Using Medicine Balls, Kettlebells, and just your body weight, you will go through the basic movements that help everyone create a faster golf swing. Intent is everything in this section of training. If you are performing these movements at anything less than 100% effort, then you are wasting your time. Weight is light, reps are low, and rest is encouraged to ensure that you can be as fast and explosive as possible for every single rep.
Strength Training: The best way to see quick gains in clubhead speed is simply to get generally stronger. Strength is developed through lower rep counts and heavier weight. For this routine, we will gradually get heavier and heavier each set. In my personal experience, this is the best (and safest) way to introduce you to heavy loads. This is the primary focus for this routine. Rest in between sets is encouraged, maintain form as the weight increases, push yourself here!
Golf’s Big 3: If you do not have proper Upper/Lower Body Disassociation, Hip Internal Rotation, and Shoulder External Rotation, then it is extremely difficult to have a fast and efficient golf swing. The accessory exercises within this routine have been specifically selected to help improve your range of motion in these areas.